Home > Artworks > clarisa masciarelli

Photo of clarisa masciarelli Argentina

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I studied Fine Arts, Fashion Design, Industrial moldería courses did after received at the General San Martín Polytechnic Institute. My goal was neither more nor less than to be a clothing designer, not to exist in Rosario a University that includes the race, I decided to get one, and I started architecture, (profession where I live) in the way I met with ARTE that never left me ... ART IN ALL ITS FORMS, color,...

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27.56 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
43.31 x 15.75 in
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I studied Fine Arts, Fashion Design, Industrial moldería courses did after received at the General San Martín Polytechnic Institute. My goal was neither more nor less than to be a clothing designer, not to exist in Rosario a University that includes the race, I decided to get one, and I started architecture, (profession where I live) in the way I met with ARTE that never left me ... ART IN ALL ITS FORMS, color, typography, AND NON-TECHNICAL ... LOVE THE ART ... THE ARTISTS ... THAT ... THAT ARE SET FORTH Peeling, SHOWING their deepest emotions, their deepest fantasies, YOUR deepest need ... What can I say ... NOTHING art. Just look, feel, desire, beyond what our eyes see ... I mean that my production also owe it to "The Tomi" (the best artist I saw in my life), Victor Martinez back in 1997 that allowed me to fall in love with a painting for the first time that everyone knows when they come to my house, and I can not stop copying, Miro, Kandinsky, Picasso and Xul Solar. I think all this they see they are copied to them ... thanks There ...

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